Sexy and funny I put a little comedy into this stripper performance because while men love watching strippers, it's actually quite boring for women. That is until now. Ha Ha!
If you haven't already seen this sexy & fun performance stop by the school ask an instructor to show it to you.
TITLE: Never Gonna Stop
ARTIST: Rob Zombie
TRIGGER: GEN5.1 Triggerless!
TIME: 4:12 mins:secs
1) download this performance
Unzip it. Add it, along with your key, to your launcher.
2) collect your props and go to ANY IMVU ROOM or a keef theater
Hey you don't actually have to build a Keef theater yourself... there are a few in operation and will eventually be linked by portal.
Works in any room
3) get the required products listed below
4) dress down (dress for your look only - remove all voiceboxes and animations)
5) launch (or double click) Performance.exe
6) use key command to trigger the performance
7) when the music starts, triple click the room, or bring up the chat box to allow the performance to flow
If you do this correctly you will get a kiss from Tonya.
Worn IMVU Avatar Products
Worn IMVU avatar products are the minimum that you need to perform. So consider this section required. The other item sections, such as furniture and effects, are optional.
Music Playlist Song:PLAYLIST MUSIC: Never Gonna Stop - The Black Cat Crossing Mix
Music Playlist Song:(Recomended second track)PLAYLIST MUSIC: Silence
*Wait 03* Stand action (UPDATED 11/2013)
{T}fx Storm Sounds
Virgin sensual sounds (UPDATED 02/2012)
(MSS) Long Strut Action
Personal Pole
Chopper-F- moto Black
M/F Rideable Rocket
Blowing Kisses
Wolf / Dog sounds
[JP] - Teen Girl Voice
cute animated cellphone
xx voices yours
Stripper Outfits:
This performance supports the following stripper fits:
trigger style: dress, flash, squeeze, strip, untie, wiggle
!HW! AnimStripper Bikini <-- any in this series - match triggers in shop
HB777 Stripkinis<-- any in this series of sexier alternatives, all stripkinis have the correct triggers
trigger style: (top) b1, b1*, b1**, b1***, thru b5, bounce, breath, squeez (bottom) p1, p2
[SPY] Strip Bra M<-- any in this series - match triggers in shop
[SPY] Strip Panties S<-- any in this series - match triggers in shop
IMVU Furniture Products
IMVU furniture products are only needed if you have your own room. So consider this section optional. Virgin graduates have created scores of theaters and clubs where the sets, atmosphere, and look & feel is always a unique experience. Most performances require no theater or effects at all. Furniture and effects are add-on upgrades that you can do at anytime. Think of them as gravy. Effects add to the performance experience.
Furniture: Derivable Room PopUp Logo
Add our logo or make your own logo popup. Heck, add both! Many performances use this LOGO pop-up. Keep your triggers the same so that the performance software controls its display for you.
Furniture: Select Triggered Moon PopUps
Mix and match, or choose just one. These pop-up backdrops all use the same triggers. To see how great the moons look when used together go to the Virgin Matrix room and use the trigger command "*moonrise"
! Moon Rising w/fog
! Moon Lake w/fog
! Moon Pop-up Backdrop
Furniture: Other Triggered PopUps
Furniture: SoundFX
! MC SoundFX
! Theater SoundFX
! Thunder SoundFX
Furniture: Stage Effects
Plasma Thing
PyroTechnic Flame Wall
Furniture: Animated Props
Triggered Room: Animated Theater
This performance can be done in any room, however I have created a special theater with triggered curtains and scenes. This, like the furniture, is optional. Consider this a SERIOUS upgrade designed to make the Virgin theatrical experience as real life as possible. To learn how to set up this performance in this special Virgin theater go to my room named "Hollywood Virgins" and play the performance in there. Then set you're own. See Tonya or any virgin instructor for help setting up.
Click Here to enter the "Hollywood Virgins" theater
TonyaOnya's Cheap Tricks & Tips
Set up a standing spot at the base of the pole as we did in Bilingual. Place standing and sitting spots around in places where your "strut" will allow you to walk up to guests and really show off up close.
Special Announcement About Auto-dress
Virgin performances use AUTO-DRESS. This will allow you to look like anything you wish (dressing down). Look great, but remove all animations and voice boxes.
Dress down your avatar and let the software automatically add the IMVU needed products during your performance. Virgin performances are becoming even more advanced and so easier to use. All you need to do is collect the IMVU products and trigger the performance. The software does the rest.
I'm re-mastering the entire performance collection to include the autodress feature. Watch for the updates!
Auto-dress makes it very simple for graduates to manage outfits. Wear any look you wish. You no longer have to wear a specific outfit to do a particular performance. You could opt to wear the same thing for every performance or make a collection of just a few outfits. If you are like me, you have been saving a new outfit catagory and a new outfit for each and every performance. As you can see, using autodress has advantages. Managing outfits and setting up performances is faster and easier than ever. Take less time between sets and minimize "dead air".
The AUTO-dress feature is being used more and the UNDRESS feature being used less. Undress can be laggy on slower computers. So make a mental note that you will need to undress yourself after your performances to lower your KB's back to acceptable room limits.
Please be sure to sign-up for our automated performance upgrade announcements and newsletters to keep your collection up to date.
BTW... just because your performance download link expired doesn't mean you can't upgrade it. If your performance download link expired just shoot us an email and we will provide you access by providing you with a link to your performances and personal Virgin Folder in your original Virgin Launcher order.
IMVU CREDIT TRANSFER: Contact Management
IMVU STICKER PAYMENT: includes IMVU retail mark-up & sticker dev charges
Never Gonna Stop